About me

(2023) CSU Mountain Campus, CO

(2023) Great Sand Dunes, Colorado

Apa khabar ("Hello" in Malay)! I'm currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of New Mexico. My research interests range from studying tectonic deformation (e.g., earthquakes) to localized natural hazards (e.g., landslides, post-fire debris flow) primarily using geodetic (geophysics) methods and modeling but also not limited to doing field observations.

I received my B.S. in Geology from the University of Maryland - College Park after transferring from Malaysia in my junior year.  My passion for research led me to pursue an M.S. in Geophysics at California State University Northridge and my Ph.D. My passion for geology started when I realized I was a victim of misinformation about the 2015 Sabah earthquake in Malaysia. Since then, I've been interested and actively involved in doing research related to geohazards. 

Apart from doing research, ​I'm interested in science communication to help translate scientific topics related to geology and geohazards for a more general audience. You can find my articles either on my website or Temblor. I'm also involved in several student-led organizations. 

My favorite activities include taking photos of landscapes & night scenes and making digital illustrations. I also enjoy participating in competitive table tennis, and I am an avid fan of soccer too.

Here is a summary of my story (link) in Temblor.